Honoring the culture and traditions that give meaning and identity to our region. Providing visionary and transformational tools to our community. We are agents of change, in a rapidly changing time.

To restore and honor the environmental, cultural, and social heritage of the Tecate River watershed, embracing a sustainable way of life that thrives on collaboration, respect, and the joyous celebration of natural and human communities.
The Tecate River watershed will become a model region for sustainable environmental practices, fostering the growth and preservation of its cultural heritage.
Fundación la Puerta was founded in the mid 1970’s to give Rancho La Puerta a thoughtful and strategic way to support our local community. Rancho La Puerta has always played a prominent role in the community as a major employer and as an advocate for health, education, resilience, and conservation. For more about Rancho La Puerta, a pioneering world renown resort and spa visit www.rancholapuerta.com
2023 was a year of collaboration. Through new alliances with the UABC, the state university system in Baja California, and many other institutions, we are addressing urgent issues in our community. Tecate is experiencing new levels of homelessness, insecurity and a decline in basic services such as sanitation, waste collection and water quality. Together we are able to create synergies to address these issues.